FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response
Raster Info
URL http://<rastercatalogitem-url>/info
Parent Resource Raster Catalog Item
Child Resources Metadata   Thumbnail   Raster Key Properties
Required Capability Catalog


The raster info resource returns information about the associated raster (such as its width, height, number of bands, pixel type, etc).

From 10.1 onwards, the raster info resource supports the following child resources:

Resource Hierarchy

Raster Thumbnail


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example Usage

Example 1: Return raster info for raster id 8.

JSON Response Syntax

  "origin": <origin>,
  "blockWidth": <blockWidth>,
  "blockHeight": <blockHeight>,
  "pixelSizeX": <pixelSizeX>,
  "pixelSizeY": <pixelSizeY>,
  "extent": <extent>,
  "bandCount": <bandCount>,
  "pixelType": "< C128 | C64 | F32 | F64 | S16 | S32 | S8 | U1 | U16 | U2 | U32 | U4 | U8 | UNKNOWN >",
  "firstPyramidLevel": <firstPyramidLevel>,
  "maxPyramidLevel": <maxPyramidLevel>

JSON Response Example

  "origin" : {"x" : -118.15, "y" : 33.80},
  "blockWidth": 2726,
  "blockHeight": 1,
  "pixelSizeX": 30.386,
  "pixelSizeY": 30.386,
  "extent" : {"xmin" : -119.56, "ymin" : 33.54, "xmax" : -117.37, "ymax" : 36.71},
  "bandCount": 3,
  "pixelType": "U8",
  "firstPyramidLevel": 1,
  "maxPyramidLevel": 9